‘Seeing Life Differently’ has effectively changed my life. As a Christian, I was delighted that the principles for Attitudinal Healing fully resonated with me. I was impressed especially with the inclusive language Helen employed throughout the seminars. By asking relevant questions, Helen invited participants to engage in personal and private reflection. This review of individual experience proved helpful and enlightening. Extremely valuable. Thank you so very much Helen for all that you have given of yourself in helping us to gain awareness of our true Essence. Blessings.
Gail Doolan, Marmong Point, NSW
Very inspiring Attitudinal Healing course that everyone would benefit greatly in attending. It would be helpful to teenagers to have an insight into these principles. Doctors and Health Care Practitioners should have a brochure on their noticeboards in order to make the teachings of this great course more widely accessible. Thank you for your encouraging and gentle manner.
Julie Frith, Eleebana, NSW
Helen – Dear Helen, I’ve met you at a time that, more than ever before, I seek change. You are my teacher and have appeared because I’m ready to learn. With the most delightful demeanor, a charm and energy and peace that I will NEVER forget, you have been the catalyst that has brought me to a door that will begin the rest of my journey. For that, I am eternally grateful. So thank you – thank you so very much. You have a gift and I am better for having met you.
Trevor Walsh, Lakelands, NSW
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and positive attitude with us. Attending the Attitudinal Healing course has been a wonderful and enlightening experience. I know the principles you have taught us will stay with me for the rest of my life. I have a greater awareness and know I have begun my life’s journey. I will definitely be ‘seeing life differently’ from now on and hope my love essence will benefit those around me.
Cathy Posselt, Eleebana, NSW
Attitudinal Healing is a very helpful course. I came into it with certain issues hoping I was going to find all the answers I needed, but instead learned that the answers I was looking for came from inside me and helped me so much to understand myself and situations. I will always be totally grateful for what Helen has taught me and I hope that it may come across to others around me.
Wendy Stewart, Bonnells Bay, NSW
Over the past 10 years I have forgiven everyone but myself. This course of Attitudinal Healing helped me to heal unresolved pain from the past that has prevented me from fully experiencing love. Thank you for sharing these Attitudinal Healing principles which have finally set me free.
Pauline Perkins, Readhead, NSW
On your pamphlet you stated that your objective was to ‘teach only love’, a goal I believe you have succeeded in achieving. I don’t seem to have the words to describe how grateful I am to you and for you. You helped me recall the knowledge of my soul. The energy in that class was simply inspiring. Your love, your energy and willingness to share will remain an inspiration. You and ‘Seeing Life Differently’ taught me to truly see my life as abundant, as the creation of what I perceive – that was one of the most empowering reminders of the meaning of life that I have been blessed enough to experience. The Universe provided you at the perfect time to help me walk my spiritual path, to help me find light where I forgot it existed. You helped to remind me that there truly is no darkness, merely the absence of light, and that nothing exists but love. The profound impact this Attitudinal Healing course has had on my attitude to life is truly amazing. I thank you. Over the past eight weeks I have gained an enormous amount of respect for you as an individual – you are an inspiration. May you know the depth of my gratitude, of my respect and the love you have helped me to remember. Thank you Helen.
Liz Lawrence,Warners Bay, NSW